Quebec, Scotland, and substate governments’ roles in Canadian and British trade policy: Lessons to be learned

Hubert Rioux & Stéphane Paquin, International Journal.

Publié le 15 février 2021

Following Brexit (the withdrawal of the UK from the EU and the European Atomic Energy Community at the end of 31 January 2020), the British government stated that it hoped to reach a new trade agreement with Canada to be modelled after the Canada–EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, the first free-trade deal for which Canadian provinces were directly involved at every stage of negotiations.

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Stéphane Paquin

Professeur, École nationale d'administration publique
Directeur exécutif du GÉRIQ

Hubert Rioux

Chercheur postdoctoral Banting Fellow, École nationale d’administration publique