Globalization, European integration and the rise of neo‐nationalism in Scotland

Stéphane Paquin, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics.

Publié le 30 mai 2002

This article proposes the following theory: by cutting the benefits of integration and by reducing the obstacles to independence or the various forms of autonomy, globalization and European integration promotes disintegration. Moreover, the processes of decentralization imposed by globalization and European integration are resulting in the substate players having more and more financial resources and areas of jurisdiction. In brief, globalization is expanding the set of actions of the substate nationalist movements to ensure the survival of their nation. Substate nationalist movements can now implement an international policy through their paradiplomacy. The case study ‘Scotland’ is of particular interest since the state of which it is part (United Kingdom) is neither decaying nor totalitarian, but a modern welfare state in which the rule of law governs intra‐societal relations.

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Stéphane Paquin

Professeur, École nationale d'administration publique
Directeur exécutif du GÉRIQ