Canada’s Multiple Voices Diplomacy in ClimateChange Negotiations: A Focus on Québec

Annie Chaloux, Stéphane Paquin & Hugo Séguin, International Negotiation.

Publié le 27 avril 2015

This article sheds light on the complexity of international climate change negotiations in a federal country, like Canada, where there is no clear attribution of full power over international negotiation concerning this issue. Climate change is a multi-level and multi-stakeholder issue, one that can only be tackled successfully if all actors, at all levels of government, are involved in the process. In recent years, Canadian provinces, especially Québec, have become intensely involved in climate change paradiplomacy. That situation has led to a Canadian paradox where the Government of Québec worked to respect the Kyoto Protocol and act accordingly, while Canada opted out of the Protocol in 2011.

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Annie Chaloux

Professeure agrégée, École de politique appliquée, Université de Sherbrooke
Co-directrice exécutive du GÉRIQ

Stéphane Paquin

Professeur, École nationale d'administration publique
Directeur exécutif du GÉRIQ

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